RSP Conference Hub
RSP Conference Hub is a private Research Society that is established and founded in 2019, Coimbatore, India. It organizes International Conferences in association with Colleges and universities and also publishes research articles in International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) Journal (e-ISSN 2582-4376). The entities of RSP Conference Hub are RSP Science Hub (RSH), Global Conference Hub (GCH), and RSP Research Hub (RSP RH). The RSP Conference Hub (RCH) is headed by Mr. T. Pravin, The Global Conference Hub (GCH) is headed by Mr. M. Saravana Kumar and RSP Research Hub (RSP RH) is headed by Ms. Sona. D. Solanki. It’s operating with the primary aim of serving as a platform for millions of Researchers, Educators, and Scientists around the country in Science, Technology, and various multidisciplinary domains. It provides an opportunity for Academicians and Industrialists from various fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research esteem and the evolution of pedagogy. The Research Society is at the forefront of all these events from arranging International Conferences and encouraging publishing promising research papers to nurturing young minds by helping to spread essential knowledge. The RSP Conference Hub research society aims to improve the status of existing R&D operations in all respects. Believe those closely mentored students can produce positive outcomes and seeking to expand their knowledge base, spread awareness of their extraordinary research work, and further their career prospects. The Conference Team manages every department as well as mentors and promotes the interest of the participants by encouraging them to pursue individual projects, attending the conference presentation, keynote sessions, and excelling in paper presentations and the publishing of research papers in renowned journals. International Technical Conference is held every month to showcase the researchers’ skills and inspire them to engage in interactive and knowledgeable activities.